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        LoveLoveLove                LoveLoveLove
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  LoveLoveLoveLoveLoveLove    LoveLoveLoveLoveLoveLove

                   Dear Jony & Marc,
                  You guys are awesome.
           And I'd be chuffed to hear from you.
 Imagine a time in your younger years, where you came up with a

 creative way to be noticed by some epic designers in your field.

 Wouldn't you have loved if they took a minute to reach out
                    and say hello?

                       I would.
            There's a bunch of ways to make contact –

including via snail mail (for your privacy and confidentiality).

So do feel free to get out that letterhead, and jot a quick note.

                  My postal address is:
                       Luke Kowald
                       PO Box 377
                    Byron Bay, NSW 2481

                    You'd make my day.
                      Lots of love,

PS. If you'd like the lovefrom.style domain transferred to you,

        just let me know – I'd be happy to arrange.

LoveFrom | Creative Collective by Jony Ive & Marc Newson

This website has been designed to appear for searches of 'LoveFrom'.

The creative collective reported to be co-founded by Jony Ive (former Chief Design Officer for Apple) and Marc Newson (legendary designer for some of the top brands in the world).

I am a designer, and designed this website with the intention of being noticed by Jony Ive and Marc Newson — and for them to reach out and say hello. 👋 (Seriously, who doesn't google their own business!?)

That would make my day. Even just a quick hello to say you've seen this page. My contact details are below, or you may prefer to make contact through good ol' snail mail (for privacy).

I respect and admire your work, and look forward to connecting with you.

Luke Kowald

Love, Luke
Byron Bay, Australia 🇦🇺

PS. About me ... I am a down-to-earth man that values beauty, design and excellence. This is my website and email. I look forward to connecting with you, and anyone else that is passionate about design.

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